19876 - The Fall is not final

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athena Kehagias

Those who see the Byzantium in terms of the prism of the 1453 Fall, they forget deliberately or unintentionally, the eleven centuries which constitute a world record duration of a human superstructure.
They forget that the Byzantine spirit continues to live inside the churches, but most importantanly, they forget that the Fall is not final.
And if they listened to the most famous Pontian chant, which is of course dedicated to The City, they would then understand that the symbols say more than they themselves understand.
Therefore, what we also admire on May 29 each year, ever since we exist, is that our own have not forgotten even after all those centuries of occupation.
No Greek stands indifferent to the magnificence of Hagia Sophia, and each longs for the liturgy of our most symbolic temple.
We are not referring to an old desire which others would characterize as utopian, but re: a fundamental study through Chronostrategy, where we see the role of the castles, the importance of the passage, the European context, the game theory of Hellenism and the value of the faith.
If Hellenism didn’t have inconceivable targets, then it would be dead long ago.
Furthermore, there is no reason that justifies the existence of occupied territories within the European continent.
So, all these are merely a matter of time, and if we now remember that the Spaniards needed six centuries in order to free themselves from the yoke of the barbarians, then we can think about the future in a different manner that has nothing to do with the conventionalistics of the societies, which always assume that nothing ever changes, while the history of Humanity proves exactly the opposite.
And if we now comprehend that Hellenism is the gift of Time to Humanity, then we can activate the memory of the future which liberates everyone from everything.