21957 - Armenian Interview

N. Lygeros

Araks Martirosyan – “168 Hours”, 168.am

1. In 34 days Armenia will held referendum to change Constitution from semi-presidential system to parliamentary. We know that Greece is testing this model already. How do you assess that system?

People make systems and not the opposite. In Greece, we live in this parliamentary system and consider that it is a democratic one as people (demos) has more power (kratia). Its efficiency really depends of the parties, their reliability and the cooperative games between them. With this parliamentary system we can do many things for people and not in a directive way, so there is more freedom to express innovative ideas, on the other side you have to be more coherent in your choices if you want to have a strategy at a national level.

2. Taking into consideration your country’s experience, what can you say does the quality of governance depend on the system of governance and what has changed parliamentary system of governance in your country?

Certainly yes, it depends absolutely from the system of governance and as a consequence, the choice of the system must be relevant. Previously we had royalty and I do not think that there is an easy way to do a structural transfer to your country.

3. Armenian authorities, especially experts as Member of the Specialized Commission on Constitutional Reforms, Vardan Poghosyan insist that the current project of Constitution is based on establishing stable democracy in the country and ensuring the legal cornerstone; the principle of right supremacy. Opposition insists that the president initiated this process to save his power, his team on the chair of authorities. What do you think of these two opinions?

The both are correct! With this system you can have a stable democracy and that this stability occurs from the power. So, if the power choose to stay then stability is a good point but you can change the power.

4. In a small country where there is a defective system consisted from oligarchy, monopolies, corruption, what is the key to democratic way of governance? What can be the solution, because the type of governance is not the point and is not so important when there are so many negative elements?

The key is freedom. The door is democracy. The place is strategy. In fact, as a dynamical system democracy is very efficient because it’s robust and can absorb errors like the negative elements you mentioned.

5. There are experts who think that Armenia must accept new Constitution because it will reform the way of governance which will influence this negative elements in the country. Can you agree with this?

The new Constitution has a more democratic vision of the country so this is an opportunity to evaluate with more freedom but you need a strategy to obtain results because a possibility is not a reality. This Constitution has many possibilities but it depends on people to create with them the next reality.