75826 - Transcription Podcast: #26 Ante Cold War
Ν. Lygeros
Ante Cold War, this will be the subject of this podcast. We are trying to study this period before the Cold War.
You know that it is generally accepted that the Cold War is a geopolitical period which spans from 1947 to 1991. It’s also clear what we mean with the expression Post Cold War. For this reason, we consider it to be useful that we study the previous period to understand the origins, because it’s obvious that the starting point of the Cold War is not in reality the World War II nor its end. With the expression Ante Cold War which starts at the end of the World War I in relation to the Revolution, we define the strategic substrate of the ideological vision with a holistic goal, much bigger to the simple contribution of the World War II or even the Cold War. Because even now, we can see how this period still influences the geopolitical behavior of many countries in the world. For us the Ante Cold War is not only connected to the Cold War nor the Post Cold War but to this kind of 2nd Cold War that we are living today, especially after the Russian invasion in Ukraine. In this sense the Ante Cold War is a deep past of our strategic future in Europe and not only. So that was the point of the definition of this period but it’s not exactly an innovation, it’s a new point of view.
In my mind, I have the following facts. The Cold War was on for 44 years, for me the Ante Cold War is 30 years of preparation. So when we are trying to study only the Cold War and begin on 1947 in fact we forget 30 years of preparation. So if we study this period we can understand many moves of the following one but also of the next one and even the following of the next one. I mean Cold War Post Cold War and of course 2nd Cold War now. So, 30 years starting at 1917 with the Revolution of the Bolsheviks and at that point for me we are already in the beginning of the origins. So, we have the system and this system will have many metamorphoses. For example, we have the system, we have the Soviets so the council and at the end of the process the Union and before the end of the process many proxy wars. So, for me this is related to the notion of operation. So we can use it to understand the future.