75844 - Transcription Podcast # 36 – The Pact and the Agreement
Ν. Λυγερός
The Pact and the Agreement
After the German-Soviet Treaty of Rapallo in 1922, the Treaty of Berlin was signed in 1926. But all this was nothing in comparison with the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939. Because it had two levels. And one of them was the Secret Protocol which was made public only during the Nuremberg Trials from 1945 to 1946. The Secret Protocol defined the borders of Nazi and Soviet spheres of influence across Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. This explained the fact that just after the invasion of Poland by the Nazis, the Soviets annexed first, parts of the Karelia and Salla regions in Finland but also Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as parts of Romania. Parts of those annexations even now belong to Russia which was considered as the successor state of the Russian SSR after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. But the Pact was also followed by the German-Soviet Commercial Agreement in 1940. Business was still business even at that time. And it wasn’t a problem for the ideology of the party. For it, the Soviet Union had every right to justify and promote its existence.
So two (2) points. The continuity, three Treaties Rapallo, Berlin and of course the Pact. In the Pact two (2) levels, visible and the invisible. And you see that we need it many years to understand the secret protocol to have a knowledge about this and in fact we see the consequences before the facts. so we see the invasions and after that we understand that it was the provision. So it was predictable and they were ready to do that, even for the Third Reich, the Soviet Union but for us it was a surprise. No surprise, everything was manufactured before. The problem with Estonia Latvia and Lithuania the Baltic countries but also Finland and Romania is the problem of the contact. So you see that those countries are in contact with the Soviet Union so you could wonder how it was possible for Romania. Don’t forget Moldavia and Ukraine at that time are in the Soviet Union so it was possible that to have this contact and we see, in fact that the Agreement to invade all those contact zones with no cost from the Nazis, because they could do the same on the other side. So you see that it’s not just a little part protocol, it’s very important and on the opposite it’s indicative that we find all this information only at the Nuremberg trials, which means at the end. And we find this from the Nazis’s documentation not from the Soviet’s documentation. So we use the intelligence service to find all this but after, so too late. And the result of this is even now those invasions in fact are part of Russia. So the impact is very important. And I mean for that we have two guys Hitler and Stalin they made this Agreement and at the end we see the achievements of the Soviet Union are still there. The achievements of the Third Reich are not there anymore. Do you see the difference? We in fact removed the impact of the Nazis we haven’t removed even now the impact of the Soviets but it was in the same level in the same packed in the same Agreement. So why is there a difference? Time, only a little time for Nazi a vary long time for the Soviets. So the implications are totally different. So at the end of the process we think that it’s only a problem. Now, it’s not an old problem it is a current problem. In fact it’s an issue. So this issue is alive in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania and of course Finland.