49432 - Yesterday death
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Vicky Baklesi
Salvatore: – Yesterday, death hit us all without mercy…Ultimately they are right about the Black Plague. It is the worst that could happen in Europe. Time. But something worries me…So much that I cannot continue my thought. Because while everybody tries to survive in this black epidemic, I am wondering already what will happen later…Time. After all these victims, what is it that will follow? What other barbarity will follow to strike Mankind again? Time. I‘m afraid that the enemy we delayed and stopped outside our walls, will open the gate of the inferno. Our people who are preoccupied with this pandemia, they don’t see the continuity and the consequences. Because even if we survive, we will be vulnerable to the attacks of barbarity of the systems that are outside Europe. We will consist of an attractive pray for all the beasts that surround us. They are already waiting at the gates to act. Even in the times of iconoclasm they came with a delay of one century, but they came and the counter attack of Greece didn’t overcome the storm and didn’t manage to overturn the barbaric regime which came from the East. I don’t know if the next ones will make it and if they will overcome all of the predictions. However if they lose, it will take many years for our civilization to return free.