48931 - The paradigmatic resistance of Greece
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
Turkey may have been announcing to Europe in an impressive manner that she will inundate it with illegal immigrants, but the reality is fundamentally different, because she was under the impression that Greece would not proceed in any defense at her borders and that in any case she would not be effective even if she did.
She had assumed that Greece could not stand on its own feet.
However, the determination of the political power and the effectiveness of the Greek army surprised her.
And now she has to admit her failure, in this barbaric blackmailing attempt as well, with which she aimed to artificially conceal a defeat she did not expect at a military level, whereas it was certain that Russia would continue its intertemporal alliance with Syria just as it did during the Soviet era.
Turkey did not expect any significant movements of resistance from Greece towards her volition.
In fact, this resistance has also prompted the admiration of the Europeans since it proved that Greece is not only a point of stability in the region, but additionally a stabilizer in the event of a crisis.
And this fact constitutes an added value for our homeland in regards to its presence in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Because despite having been the recipient of this barbaric asymmetric threat from the Turkish side, it has maintained effective defense, as she ought to do with the energean factor as well.