75627 - American Duty
Ν. Λυγερός
The Soviet Union never understood the position of the US about Europe. In a system which was working without history, it was simply unthinkable to accept the link between the old Continent and the New World. The Soviet Union had targeted the past of the Europe and decided that it had no future. But it had forgotten the essence. Europe and America were connected from the start. And the reason is simple. They are like the past and the future, the history and the strategy, the sword and the shield. Barbarity had, has and will have always troubles with the past of strategy i.e. history, and with the future of history i.e. strategy. Without this framework it’s impossible to understand something which is essential for the US: The American duty. Everybody can understand the American dream but this has no meaning without reference. For America, Europe was always its reference. For Soviet Union there was only one reference: the party. For Europe the problems with Russia are natural and it’s the same with the US about the solutions. For Europe, the US are its shield. For the US, Europe represents its duty. The US will be always here fore for Europe.