72673 - The armed European resistance
Ν. Lygeros
This is our duty to protect Ukraine not only because it’s a European country but also a European Nation. It’s impossible for the European spirit to accept the aggression and the invasion of Ukraine. We have the right to defend Europe and this means that we have to give weapons to Ukraine to save its population from a genocide. We clearly understand that the Kremlin is using the genocide as a geopolitical tool to evince Ukrainian population. But Ukraine is Europe! Nothing more, nothing less. And we know, that if Ukraine falls it will be the turn of Moldavia but also Finland and Sweden. The measures we have taken are crucial and this point is clear but we can’t wait the death of Ukraine without doing anything, just because we know that in the future Russia will be defeated economically. We need at the same time to defend the rights of Ukrainian people to be protected by its upgraded Ukrainian army. The resistance of the Ukrainian forces is heroic. And we saw that Russian forces have been defeated in the Battle of Kiev. But Ukraine is not only Kiev and we have to help the Ukrainian army to save its people from the barbarity of Russian attacks. For that, there is only one way. The armed European resistance has to do its duty and give the necessary weapons for the safety of people to Ukraine.