72061 - The strategic error of Russia
Ν. Λυγερός
As always, Russia was sure that it is a superpower but it forgot its poverty. This is due to the fact that Kremlin is only an ideological tool and nothing more. Now everybody at the high rank level is upset with the situation in Ukraine. The strategic error was first of all the fact to think that this special operation would be easy. Russia which is always living in the framework of propaganda, has cut its relation with reality. In its mentation, Ukraine was nothing, almost a detail. This is a key point in its strategic error. The heroic resistance of the Ukrainian army and its outstanding efficiency even with the difference of power between the two players, was a great, not only surprise, but a disaster for the russian infantry and for the application blitzkrieg was a mess. Right now Russia is trying to shift its wrong strategy and to obtain some results at least in the Εast. But the truth is that the present reality has proved that Russia is a fake superpower and this is the great lesson of this invasion. With the Ukrainian resistance we leave the reality of Russia and this is a precious information that Ukraine deserves to be protected in the next future.