62245 - Beyond the corner
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
They did not believe him at first.
It did not matter.
That’s how it always was…
He never back down however…
He did not let them say any more.
And so he started without warning…
Although he was still at the wooden corner
their minds opened wide at once.
The countryside appeared in front of him.
They started walking…
They followed his mental steps.
They did not know yet where he wanted
to take them…
It did not matter though
since they would not believe him…
They walked through nature.
There was no environment…
Merely nature.
They saw everywhere flowers of all kinds .
The sun did not torment them
it was soft just like a caress.
They had entered within the beauty
of a thought
without ever realizing it.