59548 - The obsession of Skopia
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
Through the Academy Skopia’s obsession is obvious, into solving in their own manner a problem which was considered solved due to ideology. In actual fact, nothing has been solved and the wrong arguments are returning to Skopia as if nothing at all had happened. We are also observing that there is absolutely no pressure and that everyone pretends to be indifferent in order not to accept that the entire issue was an internal air bubble created by a backward ideology which cannot be adapted to the reality of the actions. On the other hand, could an ideology which is responsible for so many genocides function along the new facts of reality? Isn’t therefore odd that he has this attitude. However this means that we can not rely upon it in order to find a rational solution which will be strategically durable to the attacks of barbarism and oblivion. The Skopian obsession seeks to utilize the inaction of a national strategy which follows political rather than national criteria. Skopia in themselves prove that nothing has been resolved and that the problem remains wide open.