5706 - Αναφορές στη Λήμνο

Ν. Λυγερός


…] calls for a communication’s installation on the island of Lemnos to be integrated into the NADGE system.

[…] The project concerning Lemnos cited above represents such a situation. The means of resolving problems which have arisen from its inclusion in Slice XXXII are still being examined.


[…] Therefore, Lemnos Airfield and the national forces deployed there have not been included in the COMAIRSOUTH MABOP


[…] the problem of Lemnos, as one aspect of a regrettable politics and juridical contestation between two members countries, should, by the rules of procedure of the Alliance, be avoided in the context of NATO exercises.


e. NAEW&C FC crews are not to nominate Lemnos as a diversion on their flight plan nor conduct any training at Lemnos. Lemnos is only to be used by NAEW&C FC aircraft in case of an actual in-flight emergency.

f. NAEW&C FC crews are not to conduct any training with forces operating out of Lemnos.


Submission of NATO Infrastructure (rejected), No exercising of to/from LEMNOS, NATO accept Greek Forces based on LIMNOS (1 Bde &1 Sqn). However, SACEUR will not use forces

unless Art. V.

[…] The Sec. Gen. and SACEUR have declared that NATO will not base, operate, or exercise

aircraft base on Limnos in peacetime.