55609 - The pointless challenges of Turkey
N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Athina Kehagias
No matter how hard the dictator of Turkey tries to distract the Turks with his challenges abroad, his country’s economy continues to collapse. Additionally, her challenges in neighbouring countries have brought no results because ever her propaganda has its limits. All the nations are resisting against the expansionism of Turkey in every manner. Turkey traditionally is unable to choose serious allies which would be capable of resulting to even one victory. Azerbaijan constitutes a characteristic example of this irrelevance. So that is why Turkey is obliged to pay bad grade mercenaries in order not to immediately lose the bets she makes. However, she cannot even manage that right. As a result she obtains an army which she does not dare utilize both officially nor unofficially abroad, because she fears the consequences of a defeat which will be obvious to all. Her prestige is also one of her problems. She therefore experiences this paradox of having a useless army for her expansionistic plans. But the dictator reaps what he has sown, by decimating the army after the coup. He is doomed to the fate of the great patient.