22577 - Bernard Freyberg

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Panayiotis Diamadis

Bernard Freyberg1
may not be
known to you
but his action
at Gallipoli
the memory
of the Anzacs
since he managed
to reach the shore
of the Gulf of Saros
to light smoke flares
beneath the positions
of the Ottomans2
and despite
being fired upon3
the salamander
as he was called by
and became a general
and after the war
of New Zealand5.

1.Bernard Cyril Freyberg Born: 21 March 1889, Richmond, England. Died: 4 July 1963, Windsor, England
2.On the evening of 24 April 1915, Freyberg swam ashore and set flares at Bulair (Bolayir), intending to divert Turkish attention from the main landing. He was awarded a Distinguished Service Order (DSO) for his action, the first of many awards and promotions.
3.Lieutenant General, 1st Baron Freyberg Victoria Cross, GCMG, KCB, KBE, DSO & Three Bars
4.British Secretary of the Admiralty Winston Churchill
5.Seventh Governor-General of New Zealand from 1946 to 1952.