13030 - The exoterism of Hellenism

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Evi Charitidou

Hellenism doesn’t hide anything and all its work is an offer to Humanity. It doesn’t try to cast a shadow onto others. If some are afraid of it, it’s simply because it enlightens the world. It’s a lighthouse caring for the sea and humans, because it has built its foundations in it with humanness. The first time in history to build into the sea was by Hellenism, because it’s with its intelligence that was, is and will be able to manage the sea’s dynamics without fearing anything, because it’s able to be diachronic. The exoterism of Hellenism follows Socrate’s teaching in the Market and some Aristotle’s open lessons. For, the notion of school doesn’t have the capacity to contain the knowledge constituting point of reference to humans. As an open structure its model is the world itself and it doesn’t try to exclude anyone. For this reason, when it confronts enemies has no phobias; it knows that they are barbarians who don’t love Humanity. So, it proceeds to counterattack, because it wants to protect every innocent with justice no matter who the adversary is. And since most of the time the latter one is stronger than Hellenism – otherwise one wouldn’t dare to harm it -, it invented strategy, which with its diachronic element allowed it to become resistant to attacks and constitute an example to all the peoples resisting anarchic systems. It’s the exoterism of Hellenism that allowed other pieces of Humanity to fight barbarity, because Hellenism taught them that barbarity is forbidden. This is the value of its humanness.